BRI collaborates with the University of Ioannina in Under and Post-Graduate studies, providing to scientific guidance, fellowships, infrastructure and laboratory space to undergraduate students (for undertaking diploma research Thesis) as well as to M.Sc. and Ph.D. candidates for employing research Theses in the groups of BRI. This collaboration has been running since 1998, and offers a highly attractive and successful Graduate opportunity to students from Greece.
Currently, BRI is a co-founder in the Inter-Institutional and Inter-departmental Master’s Program in “Molecular Cellular Biology and Biotechnology” co-organized by the University of Ioannina (Departments of Medicine, Biological Applications and Technology, Chemistry) and BRI-FORTH, while its members also participate in the Master’s Programs in “Basic Biomedical Sciences” and in “Medical Chemistry” organized by the Departments of Medicine, Biological Applications and Technology, and Chemistry, of the University of Ioannina.
Training programmes at BRI have attracted several foreign students and postdocs. Competitive grants from the EU (TMR, Marie-Curie, ITN, Horizon-2020 and Horizon-Europe), international (EMBO and FEBS) and national (HFRI, Greek State Fellowships Foundation, General Secretariat of Research and technology) programmes have supported more than 50 PhDs, postdocs and trainees.