Ερευνητικά | Βασίλης Δουρής
Αρχική > Ερευνητικά
  • 2024
  • Kefi M, Parasyris K, Balabanidou V, Sarafoglou C, Tsakireli D, Douris V, Monastirioti M, Maréchal J-D, Feyereisen R, Vontas J. (2024) Insights into unique features of Drosophila CYP4G enzymes. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 164: 104041.
  • 2022
  • Ioannidis P, Buer B, Ilias A, Kaforou S, Aivaliotis M, Orfanoudaki G, Douris V, Geibel S, Vontas J, Denecke S. (2022) A spatiotemporal atlas of the lepidopteran pest Helicoverpa armigera midgut provides insights into nutrient processing and pH regulation BMC Genomics. 23:75. [Abstract]
  • Tadatsu M, Sakashita R, Panteleri R, Douris V, Vontas J, Shimotsuma Y, Ishida T, Sudo M, Van Leeuwen T, Osakabe M. (2022) A mutation in chitin synthase I associated with etoxazole resistance in the citrus red mite Panonychus citri (Acari: Tetranychidae) and its uneven geographic distribution in Japan Pest Manag Sci. 78:4028-4036. [Abstract]
  • 2021
  • Vorgia E, Lamprousi M, Denecke S, Vogelsang K, Geibel S, Vontas J, Douris V. (2021) Functional characterization and transcriptomic profiling of a spheroid-forming midgut cell line from Helicoverpa zea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Insect Biochem Mol Biol. 103510. [Abstract]
  • Xue W, Mermans C, Papapostolou KM, Lamprousi M, Christou IK, Inak E, Douris V, Vontas J, Dermauw W, Van Leeuwen T. (2021) Untangling a Gordian knot: the role of a GluCl3 I321T mutation in abamectin resistance in Tetranychus urticae Pest Manag Sci. 77:1581-1593. [Abstract]
  • 2020
  • Ingham VA, Anthousi A, Douris V, Harding NJ, Lycett G, Morris M, Vontas J, Ranson H. (2020) A sensory appendage protein protects malaria vectors from pyrethroids Nature. 577:376-380. [Abstract]
  • Denecke S, Ioannidis P, Buer B, Ilias A, Douris V, Topalis P, Nauen R, Geibel S, Vontas J. (2020) A transcriptomic and proteomic atlas of expression in the Nezara viridula (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) midgut suggests the compartmentalization of xenobiotic metabolism and nutrient digestion BMC Genomics. 21:129. [Abstract]
  • Alavijeh ES, Khajehali J, Snoeck S, Panteleri R, Ghadamyari M, Jonckheere W, Bajda S, Saalwaechter C, Geibel S, Douris V, Vontas J, Van Leeuwen T, Dermauw W. (2020) Molecular and genetic analysis of resistance to METI-I acaricides in Iranian populations of the citrus red mite Panonychus citri Pestic Biochem Physiol. 164:73-84. [Abstract]
  • Samantsidis GR, Panteleri R, Denecke S, Kounadi S, Christou I, Nauen R, Douris V, Vontas J. (2020) 'What I Cannot Create, I Do Not Understand': Functionally Validated Synergism of Metabolic and Target Site Insecticide Resistance Proc Biol Sci. 287:20200838. [Abstract]
  • Lueke B, Douris V, Hopkinson JE, Maiwald F, Hertlein G, Papapostolou KM, Bielza P, Tsagkarakou A, Van Leeuwen T, Bass C, Vontas J, Nauen R. (2020) Identification and Functional Characterization of a Novel acetyl-CoA Carboxylase Mutation Associated With Ketoenol Resistance in Bemisia Tabaci Pestic Biochem Physiol. 166:104583. [Abstract]
  • Douris V, Denecke S, Van Leeuwen T, Bass C, Nauen R, Vontas J. (2020) Using CRISPR/Cas9 Genome Modification to Understand the Genetic Basis of Insecticide Resistance: Drosophila and Beyond Pestic Biochem Physiol. 167:104595. [Abstract]
  • McLeman A, Troczka BJ, Homem RA, Duarte A, Zimmer C, Garrood WT, Pym A, Beadle K, Reid RJ, Douris V, Vontas J, Davies TGE, Ffrench Constant R, Nauen R, Bass C. (2020) Fly-Tox: A panel of transgenic flies expressing pest and pollinator cytochrome P450s Pestic Biochem Physiol. 169:104674. [Abstract]
  • Riga M, Ilias A, Vontas J, Douris V. (2020) Co-Expression of a Homologous Cytochrome P450 Reductase Is Required for In Vivo Validation of the Tetranychus urticae CYP392A16-Based Abamectin Resistance in Drosophila Insects. 11:1-12. [Abstract]
  • 2019
  • Samantsidis GR, O'Reilly AO, Douris V, Vontas J. (2019) Functional validation of target-site resistance mutations against sodium channel blocker insecticides (SCBIs) via molecular modeling and genome engineering in Drosophila Insect Biochem Mol Biol. 104:73-81. [Abstract]
  • Kefi M, Balabanidou V, Douris V, Lycett G, Feyereisen R, Vontas J. (2019) Two functionally distinct CYP4G genes of Anopheles gambiae contribute to cuticular hydrocarbon biosynthesis Insect Biochem Mol Biol. 110:52-59. [Abstract]
  • Tsakireli D, Riga M, Kounadi S, Douris V, Vontas J. (2019) Functional characterization of CYP6A51, a cytochrome P450 associated with pyrethroid resistance in the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata Pestic Biochem Physiol. 157:196-203. [Abstract]
  • 2018
  • Denecke S, Swevers L, Douris V, Vontas J. (2018) How do oral insecticidal compounds cross the insect midgut epithelium? Insect Biochem Mol Biol. 103:22-35. [Abstract]
  • 2017
  • Bajda S, Dermauw W, Panteleri R, Sugimoto N, Douris V, Tirry L, Osakabe M, Vontas J, Van Leeuwen T. (2017) A mutation in the PSST homologue of complex I (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase) from Tetranychus urticae is associated with resistance to METI acaricides Insect Biochem Mol Biol. 80:79-90. [Abstract]
  • Grigoraki L, Puggioli A, Mavridis K, Douris V, Montanari M, Bellini R, Vontas J. (2017) Striking diflubenzuron resistance in Culex pipiens, the prime vector of West Nile Virus Sci Rep. 7:11699. [Abstract]
  • Douris V, Papapostolou KM, Ilias A, Roditakis E, Kounadi S, Riga M, Nauen R, Vontas J. (2017) Investigation of the contribution of RyR target-site mutations in diamide resistance by CRISPR/Cas9 genome modification in Drosophila Insect Biochem Mol Biol. 87:127-135. [Abstract]
  • 2016
  • Douris V, Steinbach D, Panteleri R, Livadaras I, Pickett JA, Van Leeuwen T, Nauen R, Vontas J. (2016) Resistance mutation conserved between insects and mites unravels the benzoylurea insecticide mode of action on chitin biosynthesis Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 113:14692-14697. [Abstract]
  • 2015
  • Riga M, Myridakis A, Tsakireli D, Morou E, Stephanou EG, Nauen R, Van Leeuwen T, Douris V, Vontas J. (2015) Functional characterization of the Tetranychus urticae CYP392A11, a cytochrome P450 that hydroxylates the METI acaricides cyenopyrafen and fenpyroximate Insect Biochem Mol Biol. 65:91-99. [Abstract]
  • 2013
  • Niarchos A, Zouridakis M, Douris V, Georgostathi A, Kalamida D, Sotiriadis Α, Poulas K, Iatrou K, Tzartos S. (2013) xpression of a highly antigenic and native-like folded extracellular domain of the human α1 subunit of muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, suitable for use in antigen specific therapies for Myasthenia Gravis. PLoS One 8(12):e84791.
  • 2011
  • Kontarakis Z, Pavlopoulos A, Kiupakis A, Konstantinidis N, Douris V and Averof M. (2011) A versatile strategy for gene trapping and trap conversion in emerging model organisms. Development 138:2625-2630.
  • 2010
  • Lavdas A, Efrose RC, Douris V, Gaitanou M, Papastefanaki F, Swevers L, Thomaidou D, Iatrou K and Matsas R. (2010) Soluble forms of the cell adhesion molecule L1 produced by insect and baculovirus-transduced mammalian cells enhance Schwann cell motility. Journal of Neurochemistry 115(5):1137-1149.
  • Biessmann H, Andronopoulou E, Biessmann MR, Douris V, Dimitratos SD, Eliopoulos E, Guerin PM, Iatrou K, Justice RW, Kröber T, Marinotti O, Tsitoura P, Woods DF, Walter MF (2010) The Anopheles gambiae Odorant Binding Protein 1 (AgamOBP1) mediates indole recognition in the antennae of female mosquitoes. PLoS One 5(3):e9471.
  • Douris V#, Telford M# and Averof Mv (2010) Evidence for multiple independent origins of trans-splicing in Metazoa. Molecular Biology and Evolution 27(3):684-693.
  • Giokas S, Thomaz D, Douris V, Lecanidou R and Rodakis GC. (2010) 5000 years of molecular evolution in a population of the land snail Αlbinaria caerulea transported by humans. Journal of Molluscan Studies 76(1):49-56.
  • 2008
  • Labropoulou V, Douris V, Stefanou D, Magrioti C, Swevers L and Iatrou K (2008) Endoparasitoid wasp bracovirus-mediated inhibition of hemolin function and lepidopteran host immunosuppression. Cellular Microbiology 10(10):2118–2128.
  • 2007
  • Douris V, Giokas S, Thomaz D, Lecanidou R and Rodakis GC (2007) Inference of the evolutionary patterns of the land snail Albinaria in the Aegean archipelago: is vicariance enough? Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 44(3):1224-1236.
  • 2006
  • Andronopoulou E, Labropoulou V, Douris V, Woods DF, Biessmann H and Iatrou K (2006) Specific interactions amongst odorant binding proteins of the African malaria vector Anopheles gambiae. Insect Molecular Biology 15(6):797-811.
  • Douris V, Swevers L, Labropoulou V, Andronopoulou E, Georgoussi Z and Iatrou K (2006) Stably transformed insect cell lines: tools for expression of secreted and membrane-anchored proteins and high throughput screening platforms for drug and insecticide discovery. Advances in Virus Research 68:113-156.
  • 2005
  • Espagne E#, Douris V#, Lalmanach G, Provost B, Cattolico L, Lesobre J, Kurata S, Iatrou K, Drezen JM and Huguet E (2005) A virus essential for insect host-parasite interactions encodes cystatins. Journal of Virology 79(15):9765-9776.
  • Lapointe R, Wilson R, Vilaplana L, O'Reilly DR, Falabella P, Douris V, Bernier-Cardou M, Pennacchio F, Iatrou K, Malva C and Olszewski JA (2005) Expression of a Toxoneuron nigriceps polydnavirus encoded protein causes apoptosis-like programmed cell death in lepidopteran insect cells. Journal of General Virology 86:963-971.
  • 2003
  • Swevers L, Farrell PJ, Kravariti L, Xenou-Kokoletsi M, Sdralia N, Lioupis A, Morou E, Balatsos NAA, Douris V, Georgoussi Z, Mazomenos B and Iatrou K (2003) Transformed insect cells as high throughput screening tools for the discovery of new bioactive compounds. Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences 68 (2):333-341.
  • 1998
  • Douris V, Cameron RAD, Rodakis GC and Lecanidou R (1998) Mitochondrial phylogeography of land snail Albinaria in Crete: long-term geologic and short-term vicariance effects. Evolution 52(1):116-125.
  • Douris V, Giokas S, Lecanidou R, Mylonas Μ and Rodakis GC (1998) Phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA and morphological characters suggest a need for taxonomic re-evaluation within the Alopiinae (Gastropoda: Clausiliidae). Journal of Molluscan Studies 64:81-72.
  • 1994
  • Lecanidou R, Douris V and Rodakis GC (1994) Novel features of metazoan mtDNA revealed from sequence analysis of three mitochondrial DNA segments of the land snail Albinaria turrita (Gastropoda: Clausiliidae). Journal of Molecular Evolution 38:369-382.